
Birth Doula Package

  • Unlimited call/text support throughout pregnancy

  • Childbirth Education Comprehensive Course (group class is included, $100 private class upgrade)

  • Two prenatal visits at your home

  • 1:1 Body Assessment (Utilizing the Body Ready Method® - See details below)

  • Help determining birth preferences

  • Continuous support in labor

  • Help with initial breastfeeding after the birth, if desired

  • One postpartum visit at home

  • Continued phone/text support for the first 6 weeks postpartum


Childbirth Education Comprehensive Course (Private)

This Comprehensive Childbirth Education Course (approximately 4 hours long) is taught privately in your home. The class will cover preparing your mind and body for birth, comfort measures for labor, newborn basics, birth choices, and preparation for your birth setting. If desired and at no additional charge, you have the option to learn about what the Bible says about birth, breastfeeding, and postpartum care.


Childbirth Education Comprehensive Course (Group Class)

The next Comprehensive Childbirth Education Course (Group Class) will be held on Saturday August 10th from 9am-1pm at Chanatry Chiropractic 14215 Spartina Ct, Unit 300, Jacksonville, Florida 32224. The class will cover preparing your mind and body for birth, comfort measures for labor, newborn basics, birth choices, and learn about what the Bible says about birth, breastfeeding, and postpartum care.

*This course is INCLUDED for doula clients


1:1 Body Assessment

I’m proud to be a Certified Body Ready Method® Pro practicing in the Jacksonville area! I have a unique skillset to optimally prepare and train your body for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. This personalized assessment will help me find you specific tools/exercises to facilitate a more comfortable pregnancy, an easier and more efficient birth, and faster postpartum recovery. After an hour-long initial assessment at home, you will receive personalized tools/exercises to complete 3-7 times a week.

*This service is INCLUDED for doula clients


Phone Consultation/In Person Meet-Up

Want to learn more about my birth doula services, body assessment, and/or childbirth education offerings? We can discuss more at this FREE 30-minute phone consultation or in person meet up.

These services make a great baby shower gift or gift fund for a baby registry!

*Payment plans are available, I am happy to discuss further if you need financial accommodation.

Are you ready to have a beloved birth?